Northeastern business professor fills chair created by international ‘pioneers'.
Who You Need On Your Board of Directors For Your Company To Be Environmental (E) & Socially (S) Friendly
When to say yes to your first board of directors (and your second and subsequent ones)
Center for Corporate Governance. esade. En Español
Where is Yours Firm’s Value Going?
IESE insight: Business Knowledge
Boards Will Never Be Any Good at Policing Executives
Bloomberg View
Sack Non-executive Directors to Force Investors to Do Their Job
The Financial Times
Boards Aren’t the Right Way to Monitor Companies
Harvard Business Review
Aguilera is Featured on the Future Fluency Podcast Series by the National Association of Corporate Directors: Beyond ‘Pinkwashing:’ Insights From Global Board Diversity Mandates
Can CSR and management entrenchment mix?
Do Better. by esade.
En Español
Can politics harm firm performance around the world?
Do Better. by esade.
En Español
Global Strategy Faces Local Constraints
FT Mastering Corporate Governance
Want to innovate for people and planet? You need to rethink the value chain
IMD - International Institute for Management Development
Why Is It So Hard For Boards To Govern?
The Corporate Board
Overcoming Barriers to Effective Board Oversight
FM - Financial Management
Featured on International Business Today Podcast, Episode 4: How Corporate Governance Can Help Achieve ESG Goals
Ruth Aguilera talks ESGs and their growing impact on companies around the world.
Also available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Pocket Casts, Amazon, Audible.
Consejos Con Palos En Las Ruedas
El País, Negocios
¿Qué sabemos "cientificamente" de los Consejos de Administración de los "Emprendedores" (Lone Founders)?
Center for Corporate Governance. esade.
Modas, ESG y el gobierno corporativo
Expansión España
Un nuevo impulso a la democracia accionarial
Expansión España
¿Qué sabemos "cientificamente" de los Consejos de Administración de las empresas familiares (EF)?
Center for Corporate Governance. esade.
El impacto de la ideología política en el desempeño de las empresas de titularidad estatal
Do Better. by esade.
Featured on Double Take: A Newton Podcast, Episode 9: The G in ESG - How Does Governance Impact Investment Returns, and Why
The importance of transparency and how corporate governance is at the root of good business practices.
Apostando por ESG en los Consejos de Administración: la Comisión de Sostenibilidad
Center for Corporate Governance. esade.
Supersous a les elèctriques durant la pujada dels preus de la llum
Ara Cataluña
Is Managerial Entrenchment Always Bad and Corporate Social Responsibility Always Good?
Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets
Corporate Governance Deviance
Aguilera is Featured on the IM Global Podcast Series: Episode 1 - Corporate Governance and IM
Interviews with the Academy of Management - International Management (IM) Division’s scholars to understand their work, their research, and motivations, and to engage the IM community into the divisions’ initiatives.
Also available on Anchor, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and Radio Public.